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Creative Care: A Revolutionary Approach to Dementia and Elder Care. HarperOne (2020). Available in paperback (April 2021). Bookshop, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound, Books-A-Million 

Creative Care Imagination Kit. HarperOne (2021).
Bookshop. Amazon.

The Penelope Project: An Arts-based Odyssey to Change Elder-Care. Eds. Anne Basting, Ellie Rose and Maureen Towey.  University of Iowa Press (2016).

Forget Memory: Creating Better Lives for People with Dementia.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (2009).

The Stages of Age: Performing Age in Contemporary American Culture.  Ann Arbor:  University of Michigan Press, 1998.

Book Chapters

Basting, Anne. “At this Time, or My Friend Elinor.” Forthcoming, 2026. Late Stage. Eds. Cindy Rosenthal and Benjamin Gillespie. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

De Medeiros, Kate and Anne Basting. “Risky Business: Bringing radical creativity to US nursing homes.” Handbook of the Humanities and Aging, eds. Marlene Goldman and Thomas Cole. New York: Routledge, 2022

Basting, Anne. "From Islands to Networks: Using Improvisation to Build Relationships Among Individuals and Systems." In Sheila McCormick's Applied Theatre and Aging. London: Methuen Press, 2017.

Basting, Anne. "The Arts in Dementia Care." In Murna Downs and Barbara Bower's Excellence in Dementia Care. Volume 2. 2014.

Mello, Robin and Anne Basting.  “'The Sublime, the Unsettling and the Exuberant’: Changing Students’ Attitudes Toward Aging Through TimeSlips Creative Storytelling.”  In Terry Ann Thaxton’s (Editor) Creative Writing in the Community. London: Continuum International Publishing.

Roush, R. E., Braun, M., Basting, A., Winakur, J., Rosenberg, R., & McFadden, S. H.  “Using the arts to promote resiliency among persons with dementia and their caregivers.”  In B. Resnick, L. Gwyther, & K. A. Roberto (Eds.), Resilience in aging: Concepts, research, and outcomes. Springer, 2011.

Recent Essays

Find my latest writing here at Substack, in what I’m calling my Little Caregiver Repair Shop of essays and musings, interviews and other wonderments.

Scholarly Essays

Basting, A. (2017) "Building Creative Communities of Care: Arts, dementia and Hope in the United States." Dementia. Jan 1:1471301217740959. doi: 10.1177/1471301217740959.

Basting, A., Peters, K., & Katz, S. (2015). Interview with Dr Anne Davis Basting, 21 May 2013. Dementia (London, England), 14(3), 328-34.

De Medeiros, K., & Basting, A. (2014). 'Shall I Compare Thee to a Dose of Donepezil?': Cultural Arts Interventions in Dementia Care Research. The Gerontologist, 54(3), 344-353.

Savundranayagam, M., Dilley, L., & Basting, A. (2011). StoryCorps' Memory Loss Initiative: Enhancing personhood for storytellers with memory loss. Dementia,10(3), 415-433.


This Conversation Changed the Way I Think About Dementia. First Person podcast, Lulu Garcia Navarro. New York Times. 16 March, 2023.

How to Communicate with People Suffering from Dementia. Carol Hymowitz. Wall Street Journal. April 14, 2022

How the Arts can Reshape Dementia Care: Artist Anne Basting explains how to connect with people with dementia. by Abigail Fagan, in Psychology Today. Dec 2020.

MacArthur Fellow Anne Basting On Asking People With Dementia 'Beautiful Questions', interview by Anne Strainchamps, NPR’s To the Best of Our Knowledge, 2019.

Theatre Artist Anne Basting Named MacArthur Fellow, Interview with Kelly McEvers, NPR’s All Things Considered, 2016

Milwaukee Independent, Aug 20, 2018

Interview with Anne Basting, by Laura Beck, Eden Alternative, web, Feb 2018

Next Avenue Moments, interview, Milwaukee Public Television

Director’s Cut, Milwaukee Public Television. Interview with Anne Basting and Brad Lichtenstein on the documentary Penelope.

The Art of Research, UWMilwaukee video

When Art is the only Medicine, TEDX talk, UWMilwaukee

Alzheimer’s Patients Turn to Stories Instead of Memories, NPR’s Morning Edition, 2012